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"I'm worried the market will continue to go down and I will overpay." "I'm going to wait until the summer to sell." "I'm going to wait until the summer to buy." "I got a great rate when I refinanced... I can't move now." "This home seems overpriced. In fact, most homes I tour are overpriced..." "I have a home to sell first and worried I won't get enough or find another house." "I'm in a lease until October and I'm not sure if I want to buy or continue to rent."


"We don't want to put it on the Market while our kids are still in school. We would rather wait until the summer so they don't need to switch schools in the middle of the year." "There are no homes in my price range?" "Why would I pay 6-7% commission when I can pay a company to put the property on MLS for $99? It's the same thing, right?" "I just want to see this home, that's it - if it's sold, I'm good." "I think I have a cousin that is an agent." "I am going to wait for prices to go down." "You go on a listing appointment in a city you have never listed a home in before. You say no and the seller asks if you really know the market enough in that area to sell their home."

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"This pre-approval I was given by the lender seems a little high. Can I really afford that much while paying for the utilities and living life?" "Interest rates seem like they are jumping all over the place. How do I know I won't get bumped out of my pre-approval while looking at homes?" "We don't want to list but if you have an interested buyer, we would be happy to entertain the showing and potential offer it brings." "I don't know, that SVB collapse has me nervous, are we sure the market isn't going to crash?" "I don't want to pay that $799 Admin Fee. I have been talking to other brokerages and they don't charge that."  On a phone call trying to set up a face-to-face appointment. "That all sounds great. I need to chat with my husband/wife before we decide to meet with anyone." "I want to wait until this summer when there are more homes on the market."

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You and a Buyer are talking about their search and they tell you, "There is just nothing in my price range right now." You call the listing agent to talk through how to get your buyer's offer accepted and the buyer has a home to sell first. You are hosting an open house and someone walks in. Talk out what you would do. You call the listing agent to talk through how to get your buyer's offer accepted, the buyer is using FHA financing and you are concerned that the property won't pass an FHA appraisal. You call the listing agent to talk through how to get your buyer's offer accepted and there are multiple offers with the highest and best deadline. You call the listing agent to talk through how to get your Buyer's offer accepted and it's the first day on the market. Lead comes in and you call them and they tell you, "I was just looking for fun."

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  • "We don't want to put it on the Market while our kids are still in school. We would rather wait until the summer so they don't need to switch schools in the middle of the year."

  • "There are no homes in my price range?"

  • "Why would I pay 6-7% commission when I can pay a company to put the property on MLS for $99? It's the same thing, right?"

  • "I just want to see this home, that's it - if it's sold, I'm good."

  • "I think I have a cousin that is an agent."

  • "I am going to wait for prices to go down."

  • "You go on a listing appointment in a city you have never listed a home in before. You say no and the seller asks if you really know the market enough in that area to sell their home." 

​"We don't want to put it on the Market while our kids are still in school. We would rather wait until the summer so they don't need to switch schools in the middle of the year." "There are no homes in my price range?" "Why would I pay 6-7% commission when I can pay a company to put the property on MLS for $99? It's the same thing, right?" "I just want to see this home, that's it - if it's sold, I'm good." "I think I have a cousin that is an agent." "I am going to wait for prices to go down." "You go on a listing appointment in a city you have never listed a home in before. You say no and the seller asks if you really know the market enough in that area to sell their home."

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"Do you have any rent-to-own properties?" "We don't know what our plans are yet- we really are just browsing" How to close a buyer at a showing to write an offer "I only want it if it's a crazy good deal." "Interest rates are too high so we're going to wait until they go down." "I'm not ready to buy right now. I will call when I'm ready."  "I am interviewing other realtors and will get back to you"

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"We don't want to sell our house that has a 5% interest rate just to buy a house at 7%, we'd rather wait for rates to come down." How to invite/close an agent about eXp "Why do I need you to help me with the new construction process, isn't that the builder reps job?" "We want to buy but we are just going to wait for the market to crash again." You are representing a buyer, they get an offer accepted, they complete their inspection and come back with a laundry list of items they want fixed or they aren't buying the property. How do you negotiate this? "I am just going to tour some homes on my own, I don't need an agent."

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"I want to come to eXp but is there any training opportunities or ways to grow and learn still?" "My house is paid off and I don't ever plan on moving / I don't need to move." "I've been trying to buy a house for 3 years now but every agent I have been connected with has eventually given up on me. I need to have someone get me to the finish line." "I had to compete with 3 other offers and pay top dollar for this house so I feel the seller should fix everything on this inspection report." "We're going to sell in January but will wait to interview agents closer to then." "I have a house to sell but I want to go see some houses with you again tonight (you've shown them homes on time earlier this week)." "Interest rates are too high and I get that I can refi later but I'm still hesitant but want to buy a house now. Is there a way to negotiate so we can get a lower payment?"

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Open House: Someone comes through the open and says "I'm just looking around at open houses." Demonstrate the best way to capture info and form a relationship. "I have a 3.25% rate on my home. Rates are just too high to move right now. Doesn't make sense to move with rates in the 7s." - How can you convince this person to agree to a listing appointment/consultation? Zillow Call: The home the buyer wants to see is under contract - How do you handle this? "I think I'm just going to go with what's convenient and cheaper and sell my home to Homestead Road/Guaranteed Offer for cash." - How do you convince them to list with you versus sell for convenience? Zillow Call: "Are you the listing agent? I'd like to speak with the listing agent, please." - How do you handle this?  "I want to wait until rates drop." - How can you convince this person to consider buying now? "I have to sell my house in order to buy the next one." - What's the best way strategy for this person?

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"Multiple offers really stress me out. How can I purchase without all that pressure?" An inspection period is ending tomorrow and you have a list of high-profile items to request. The listing agent hasn't replied in 2 days and you are worried they won't before the contingency is up. What are some creative ways to draw attention to this and also protect your client? You are at an open house and the person walking through hits you with "My friend is an agent." Client is going to be selling their current property and purchasing a new one. They tell you, "I am going to wait until the summer to make a move." Your clients want to write and offer on a 300k home the first day it is on the market. Your clients are 10%, conventional loan. What would you do to win over the listing agent to accept your offer? "The pre-approval I was given by the lender seems a little high. Can I really afford that much while paying for the utilities and my other life expenses?"

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Circle Dialing/Doorknocking A Home That Just Went Under Contract - what's your script/tactic? Roleplay. Buyer's Agent - convince me that you're worth the money (2.7%). Talk through your favorite tactics/strategies to win in multiple offers (7 other offers currently). "I need rates to come down quite a bit more before I would ever move (someone who owns a home and has expressed downsizing after kids graduate this Summer)." Conversation with your Buyer after finding out the Seller is not offering compensation for a buyer's agent. Buyer - "I'm just going to work with the listing agent and save the money (non-cash buyer)." Listing Presentation - Explain to me how commission works and what my options are.

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"Interest rates are too high. I can't afford anything right now." "I have had my investment property for 20 years, I have a renter right now. Should I sell it?" "I think I am going to wait until next year when I can make more money on my house."

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Tyler is a buyer on the fence. Get him off the fence. Give him your top reason not to wait to buy. Most creative answer wins. "How's the market?" You represent the buyer, Tyler represents the buyer and calls you to let you know the buyer wants to cancel an agreement on a property in Big Lake. Your goal is to get to the bottom as to why the buyer is canceling and try to save the deal.

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Seller says - "Do you think we should advertise paying out a buyers agent? There are 2 other homes for sale in our neighborhood and we want to be competitive." "We are already offering buyer broker compensation of 2.5%" Buyer says - "I can't afford to pay you. I barely have enough for a down payment and closing costs."

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"I want to wait for all the foreclosures to come again and buy one of those properties." "Interest rates are so high right now. It just really concerns me that my monthly payments will be too high or I won't qualify anymore." Walk through the process of what you should do when you get a Zillow live transfer lead. What are 3 key points to joining eXp and explain the benefit of the points. "I want to keep my current home to rent it out but I need the money from my home to buy a new one, how does this all work?" "Multiple offers really stressed me out. How can I purchase without all that pressure?"

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"I want to wait until Spring at this point to sell. With all the holidays coming up, thinking of moving is just too much right now." This is a lead you have been following up with for a while and you call to check in and they hit you with this. "I don't have enough for a down payment saved yet." "I am going to work with the least expensive realtor." This is an internet lead that wants to sell their home. On your initial phone call, they hit you with this. "I only qualified FHA but I know it's a bad loan type so I'm going to wait until I can qualify Conventional." "Sale prices are just too high for me to buy right now." This is a lead you met at an open house and you are checking in the Monday after they open and they say this. What do you say to a seller who is locked with a 2% interest rate. This lead has outgrown their home but they love their current rate and payment. "Rates just went up again, I want to wait for them to come down before I buy." This is a lead that you have been following up with for a while that is renting.

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Seller Objection: "We're going to sell in June but will wait to interview agents closer to then." Buyer Objection: The buyer's dad shows up at the inspection. The buyer is okay moving forward with the appraisal but the dad is firm in wanting things repaired/replaced. Talk through negotiations with the buyer and their dad so that you don't send a laundry list of amendments over to the sellers. Buyer Objection: "I only qualified for FHA but I know it's a bad loan type so I'm going to wait until I can qualify for Conventional." Buyer Objection: "Rates are still too high. I need to wait for them to come down more in order to sell and buy." Buyer/seller on the fence (for several years now) - They think the market is just too volatile. Open House: Someone comes through the open and says "I'm just looking around at open houses." Demonstrate the best way to capture info and form a relationship. Buyer Objection: "I don't have enough for a down payment saved yet."

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Internet Lead: "I'm just looking at homes for fun." "No, I'm not interested. My lease isn't up for 8 months. I'll reach out." Buyer has plenty of cash but terrible credit (500) - what creative ways can you suggest to get them into a home? Open House: Walk me through what you would do at an open house and the best way to capture their info and form a relationship. You are at an open house and the person walking through hits you with "My friend is an agent." The buyer's dad shows up at the inspection. The buyer is okay moving forward with the appraisal but the dad is firm in wanting things repaired/replaced. Talk through negotiations with the buyer and their dad so you don't send a laundry list if amendments over to the sellers. Client is going to be selling their current property and purchasing a new one. They tell you "I am going to wait until the summer to make a move.

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If I have to pay you as a buyer's agent, why should I choose you? Listing Presentation: Give me your 2-minute marketing pitch to earn your commission. Listing Appointment: I don't want to pay a buyer's agent. You must convince me why 2.5-2.7% is in my best interests.

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Seller is not offering compensation and after talking to the listing agent, will not work it into the offer price because they are worried about the appraisal. At a listing presentation, thee Seller heard the buyers commission is now negotiable and wants a deal on the fees. At a buyer consultation, a buyer is somewhat uncomfortable paying you for your services - explain how you add value vs just calling the listing agent.

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Sellers: How are you explaining the "New World" to them? What are you recommending? What processes are you changing? Buyers: How are you explaining the "New World" to them? What are you recommending? What processes are you changing? What new objections/WINS have you already heard/encountered? How will you be utilizing the one-time showing agreement? How will you be handling listings that are not disclosing/offering compensation up front? Also - New Construction... You have a listing and an unrepresented buyer wants to see it - how are you navigating that situation with the buyer and your seller? The buyer WILL NOT sign a buyer rep with you. It's Aug 17th - what new processes are you implementing into your business? Ex: Buyer/Seller Guides, Utilizing Compensation Payout as Advertising Boost, etc.

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"Why should I use you as a buyer's agent?" "I think I am going to wait until spring to sell." "I want to overprice my house."

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